
I started practicing yoga 11 years ago at a prenatal class while I was pregnant with my first child.  I went partly for the yoga but partly to check out all the other momma’s bumps and to make some new mom-to- be friends.  Yoga was relaxing and peaceful and gave me a sense of achievement.  I continued attending yoga classes on and off for the next six years until I decided to take things deeper and commit to a daily practice.  I took a 100 hour course in Yoga Foundation and it was here that I really fell in love with yoga. I realized that Yoga was so much more than the breathwork and physical postures that I was doing on my mat. Yoga philosophy made me think about my life and the person I wanted to be.  I learned that you can take your yoga ‘off the mat’ and apply it to every aspect of your life.  As a result my life has been richer yet simpler.  In times of stress and anxiety I am able to connect to my body, mind and spirit and find inner peace.  Thanks to yoga, this is available to me any time I choose.  I took my 200hr teacher training in 2020 and am now enjoying sharing the gift of yoga with others.  My spiritual journey has not been linear but I know there are lessons in every twist and turn.  If you are new to yoga then please don’t be put off by difficult pretzel type poses and perfect athletic bodies. That doesn’t have to be your experience of yoga. Come and try it and see the benefits for yourself.  Yoga is for everyone!

Love and light.
